Get The Current Archive Category Type In WordPress

The template I was using ran several, different, custom categories through the archive.php template. I needed to hook in some code to just one type of category, but not the others. I needed some way to test the current archive category type, but all the hooks were too generic.

After much messing about, I figured out how to get the current archive category type in WordPress. Use the get_body_class() WordPress function, then test for your category using in_array().

Here's how that looks:

$body_classes = get_body_class();
if (in_array('tax-job_listing_category', $body_classes)) {
  // code to run

How does it work?

When you view the source code of a WordPress page, it usually has a number of classes in the body tag. In my example, it looked like this:

<body class="archive tax-job_listing_category term-short-term-rentals term-18 logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support wp-custom-logo post-image-below-header post-image-aligned-center sticky-menu-fade right-sidebar nav-float-right fluid-header separate-containers active-footer-widgets-0 header-aligned-left dropdown-hover">

The function get_body_class() basically turns that into an array, which looks like this:

    [0] => archive
    [1] => tax-job_listing_category
    [2] => term-short-term-rentals
    [3] => term-18
    [4] => logged-in
    [5] => admin-bar
    [6] => no-customize-support
    [7] => wp-custom-logo
    [8] => post-image-below-header
    [9] => post-image-aligned-center
    [10] => sticky-menu-fade
    [11] => right-sidebar
    [12] => nav-float-right
    [13] => fluid-header
    [14] => separate-containers
    [15] => active-footer-widgets-0
    [16] => header-aligned-left
    [17] => dropdown-hover

You can't always count on the classes being in that order, so don't use the array keys to test. It's much better to use in_array().

The code I wanted to run applied only to tax-job_listing_category, rather than tax-job_listing_region, which ran on the same template and used the same WordPress do_action hooks.

Can you use is_category() or is_tax()?

You often can use is_category() or is_tax(), if you know which you want to connect with.

In fact, while researching for this tutorial, I realised is_tax() was even better suited to what I was trying to do.

I've needed to connect in with the body classes before, so I'm leaving this tutorial with the example I started with.

The code l ended up rolling out was:

if (is_tax('job_listing_category')) {
  // code to run

Notice that to run the query, you have to drop the "tax-" from the start.

The same would apply if you were running it on a category archive. You would use is_category('jquery') if it was on a page that had category-jquery in the body class.

If you had to test for several categories, you would put them in array like this:

if (is_category(array('jquery', 'php')) {
  // code to run

Using get_body_class() is particularly useful when you need to combine different queries.

There are many ways to arrive at your desired result. Hopefully this helps you get there.

Mike Haydon

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