Find The Nearest Location From An Array of Coordinates In PHP

As I discussed in previous tutorials, we have the visitor’s latitude and longitude, and an array of locations. Now we can combine the two to figure out which location in that array is closest to our starting coordinates. What is the fastest way to find the nearest location out of an array of coordinates? Import the array of coordinates Based on the array of coordinates, create another array

How To Hide A Column On Mobile Or Tablet In Elementor

There are times when you need to hide a column on Elementor for mobile or tablet devices. This is not something that Elementor shines at, and implementing it is a little counter-intuitive. How do you hide a column on mobile or tablet in Elementor? Right click on the column, Click Edit Column, Select the Advanced Tab, Add

How To Create A Countdown Timer In WordPress Without A Plugin

Countdown timers are very useful on things like sales pages or event listings. Most of the decent page builders have great looking countdown timers, but sometimes you just want something that looks a specific way and does exactly what you need. Fortunately it’s pretty easy to create a countdown timer in WordPress without a plugin:

Get The Current Archive Category Type In WordPress

The template I was using ran several, different, custom categories through the archive.php template. I needed to hook in some code to just one type of category, but not the others. I needed some way to test the current archive category type, but all the hooks were too generic. After much messing about, I figured

How To Find A Visitor's Latitude And Longitude Using jQuery

I needed to fetch a visitor’s coordinates, then pass them into a form, which then displayed local businesses in their area. The first part was just getting their latitude and longitude. How do you find a visitor’s latitude and longitude using jQuery? Get the visitor’s permission to access their location Use the JavaScript Geolocation API to get the GPS position from the visitor’s device, or

How To Convert A CSV File Into An Array In PHP

I had a CSV (comma separated value) file that listed all the suburbs in Australia, along with their postcode, latitude and longitude. I needed it saved in a file as an array for a project I’m doing, but didn’t want to have to run multiple regex queries, especially if I needed to use it on

How To Schedule Follow Up Emails In WordPress

On a recent project, I needed to have a series of emails following up new users, prompting them to setup their profile. I couldn’t use Aweber, like I normally would, because the follow up emails had to stop when they completed their profile. That could happen at any time So how did I schedule follow

Responsive Column Ordering In Elementor

A popular web design technique swaps images and pictures as you go down rows on the page. It looks great on desktop, but often leads to a strange look on mobile. There needs to be a way to reverse the order of some columns. As I was building in Elementor, that’s what I’ll discuss here.

How To Responsively Hide Elements In Elementor

I had a situation in a website build recently where I wanted to show a high resolution slider on desktops and a lower resolution, static image on mobiles. I’ve done this before in Beaver Builder, but hadn’t done it in the Elementor WordPress page builder. We’ve got a guide on how to install Elementor if

How To Get WordPress Posts From A List Of IDs

In a website I recently built, I needed to create a WordPress loop of posts based on a list of IDs that I had. How I arrived at that list of IDs is not important for this tutorial, but basically I did a geographical search of profiles based on a set distance from the starting