How to Make a Sticky Header in Elementor

A lot of websites use sticky headers. This is where the header appears to “stick” to the top of the browser window as the user scrolls down the page. If you have Elementor Pro, you can create a sticky header across the whole site, replacing the current theme header. This has been a feature since

How To Change Header Text In GeneratePress

I needed to change the header text in GeneratePress by adding a span around one of the words. I was trying to change the color of the last word of the title to a different color as illustrated below: Under most circumstances, to do a basic change to the header text in GeneratePress, go to

How to Define the Upload Path in WordPress

Most of the time, you don’t have to worry about the upload path in WordPress. It’s just handled automatically with a fallback. A plugin on a site I was working on had a problem with wp_upload_dir(), which is supposed to fetch the location of the uploads. It resulted in the error you see in the

Google Analytics & Google Search Console: How To Give Access

When someone is helping you with your website, you might want to give them access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console (formerly called “Google Webmaster Tools”). But you might have other websites in your account, or you might just want to give them access to view the data, but not change anything. In

How To Add Anchor Links In WordPress

Anchor links are a very useful part of web design. They let you improve the User Experience by directing users to a specific part of a page, rather than making them search for the information. They make it easier for you to write more comprehensive information and combine multiple small, related pages, without compromising the

How To Install WordPress In XAMPP (Fresh Or From Backup)

When you start getting serious about building WordPress websites, you’ll want to start developing on your own computer. It’s a lot faster, you can do it offline (at the beach like the promo shots for those “lifestyle gurus”), and you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. Many premium plugins, that otherwise limit the number

How To Install XAMPP On Mac - Step By Step Instructions

If you want to install WordPress on your local machine, you have a number of software options, like XAMPP, MAMP or Local by Flywheel. I prefer to use XAMPP because it’s been around for ages (so it’s stable and has a lot of tutorials), I can use it on my Windows, Mac and Linux machines,

How To Setup A WordPress Development Server

You should have a development environment for every live WordPress site you own or work on. You’ll hear terms like “staging site”, “local server” or “development environment”. Yes there are often nuances between them, but basically they’re just a copy of your live site. You really should have at least one copy of your live

How To Fix WordPress Quotation Marks

I was going through a previous post to check how to increase the memory limit on a WordPress install. When I copied the code, I realized there was a big problem: WordPress was automatically changing “straight quotes” into “smart quotes”. How to fix WordPress quotation marks: Go to functions.php and add this code: remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wptexturize’); making sure it’s in a

How To Create A Child Theme For Any WordPress Theme

Child themes are a staple of every WordPress developer. There are times when the functionality provided by the theme developer doesn’t meet your needs and you want to add something else. I’ll often say in my tutorials to “edit the functions.php file”. Whenever I say that, I’m assuming you’re editing a child theme. You should