Get The Current Archive Category Type In WordPress

The template I was using ran several, different, custom categories through the archive.php template. I needed to hook in some code to just one type of category, but not the others. I needed some way to test the current archive category type, but all the hooks were too generic. After much messing about, I figured

How To Get WordPress Posts From A List Of IDs

In a website I recently built, I needed to create a WordPress loop of posts based on a list of IDs that I had. How I arrived at that list of IDs is not important for this tutorial, but basically I did a geographical search of profiles based on a set distance from the starting

How To Create A PayPal Coupon Code By Switching Buttons

I was building a WordPress site where people would buy the one item using a simple PayPal button. There was no need for an eCommerce shopping cart or anything fancy. But the client wanted the option for their customers to use different coupon codes to get different discounts. PayPal doesn’t support discount codes directly. The